Testing Drosophila life-history theory in the field
Local adaptation in body size, development time and starvation resistance
Ph.D. thesis Kim van der Linde
Cite this thesis as:
Kim van der Linde (2005).
Testing Drosophila life-history
theory in the field: local adaptation in body size, development time and starvation resistance.
Ph.D. thesis, Institute of Biology, Leiden University, The Netherlands. Links center:
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Januari 2005:
"Drosophila levensloop theorie getest in het veld: locale aanpassing in lichaamsgrootte, ontwikkelingstijd en hongerresistentie."
Leken praatje Leiden University voorafgaand aan openbare verdediging proefschrift.

April 2004:
"Testing Drosophila life-history theory in the field."
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA.
November 2003: "Interspecific variation in genetic correlations in Drosophila."
3 rd Annual Dutch fly meeting,
Utrecht, The Netherlands.
August 2003:
"Genetic differences on a local scale."
IX th congress of the
European Society for Evolutionary Biology,
Leeds, United Kingdom.

November 2002:
"Measuring starvation resistance in the field?" Stress symposium at Rønbjerg, University of Århus, Denmark.

January 2002:
"Deforestation and local adaptation of life-history traits."
Verwey-PhD meeting, Texel, the Netherlands.