The Virtual Machine from several Micro$oft Internet Exploder versions seems to
get corrupted quit easily and we recieve an increasing number of complaints. We
however did not change anything, so the problem is not on our site of the
applet. Therefore, please see this page at the Micro$oft website or use Netscape Navigator .
Another recent problem pointed forward can occur with older versions of
Micro$oft Internet Exploder when this applet is the first java program to be
loaded. In those cases, the applet displays only half of the screen the rest is
lacking. Often, the browser crashes too. The solution is to kill the browser
using the option for this after pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del once, and restart the
browser. Normally, it will run smoothly after this.
Known bugs
There is a bug in the Verhulst Model. When the initial population size is
larger then the carrying capacity AND the growth rate is negative, the
population expands to infinity while it should go down to zero.