Revising the paraphyletic genus Drosophila sensu lato
The genus Drosophila, as currently defined, is paraphyletic. A proposal to split the
genus has been made, but runs into the problem that Drosophila melanogaster should be renamed Sophophora melanogaster. To avoid that, an application to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature has been made.
The case has, as expected, generated much interest. This page is intended as an entry point to the available information.
Suggestions for additional links etc are always welcome.
Official documents
- Kim van der Linde, Gerhard Bächli, Masanori J. Toda, Wen-Xia Zhang, Toru Katoh, Yao-Guang Hu & Greg S. Spicer (2007). Case 3407: Drosophila Fallén, 1832
(Insecta, Diptera): proposed conservation of usage. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 64(4): 238-242. Reprint
additional references: 
- Comments March 2008 (BZN 65(1))
- Comments June 2008 (BZN 65(2))
- Stéphane R. Prigent. Pages 137-140.
- F. Christian Thompson, Neal L. Evenhuis, Thomas Pape & Adrian C. Pont. Pages 140-141.
- Patrick M. O'Grady, Michael Ashburner, Sergio Castrezana, Rob DeSalle, Kenneth Y. Kaneshiro,
Richard T. Lapoint, Karl N. Magnacca, Therese A. Markow, Bryant F. McAllister,
Alfredo Ruíz, Carlos R. Vilela & Francisca C. do Val. Pages 141-144.
- Pavel Štys. Pages 144-145.
- Stephen D. Gaimari. Pages 146-147.
- Shane F. McEvey, Michele Schiffer, Jean-Luc Da Lage, Jean R. David,
Françoise Lemeunier, Dominique Joly, Pierre Capy & Marie-Louise Cariou. Pages 147-150.
- Comments September 2008 (BZN 65(3))
- Hans Silfverberg. Pages 214-215.
- Yves Roisin. Page 215.
- Comments December 2008 (BZN 65(4))
- Kim van der Linde, Gerhard Bächli, Masanori J. Toda, Wen-Xia Zhang, Toru Katoh, Yao-Guang Hu & Greg S. Spicer. Pages 304-307.
- Comments March 2009 (BZN 66(1))
- ICZN (2010) OPINION 2245 (Case 3407) Drosophila Fallén, 1823 (Insecta, Diptera): Drosophila funebris Fabricius, 1787 is maintained as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 67(1): 106-115. Opinion including arguements of commissioners

- Kim van der Linde & Amir Yassin (2010) Opinion: The fruit fly formerly know as Drosophila. NewScientist 2764: 24-25
Supporting documents
News and radio
- Rex Dalton (Januari 20, 2009). A fly by any other name. Nature 457: 368.

- Rex Dalton (April 7, 2010) What's in a name? Fly world is abuzz. Nature 464: 825.

- Mark Henderson in The Times (April 8, 2010) Identity crisis for fly that's the apple of scientists' eye. (Reprinted in: The Australian, Fox News & Fiji Times Online)
- לוטם אליהו in הידען (April 14, 2010) הצעה לארגון מחדש של הסוג זבוב הפירות – דרוזופילה עשוי להוציא ממנו את החבר המפורסם ביותר
- Bob Brockle in The Dominion Post (April 19, 2010) Why Veronica gives some the Hebe jeebies
- Dave Munger in SEED magazine (April 21, 2010) A proposal to change the formal name of Drosophila melanogaster, the common fruit fly, has significant implications for research in the life sciences.
- The Economist (April 29, 2010) Fly in the ointment: The erudite world of taxonomy is all a flutter over a row about renaming the world’s most famous fly
- Gert van Maanen @ BioNieuws (May 5, 2010) Fruitvlieg dreigt naam te verliezen
- Radio Interview @ Radio Noorderlicht, VPRO (June 22, 2010) Fruitvlieg ondergaat een naamsverandering Sound track
- Karin Hollricher @ F.A.Z. (July 14, 2010) Die Taufliege in der Identitätskrise
- April 10, 2010: Slashdotted!
Blog posts
- Christopher Taylor @ Catalogue of Organisms (January 29, 2008) Drosophila forever?
- Argent23 @ Holliday Junction (Februar 02, 2008) Sophophora, der allseits bekannte Modellorganismus (in german)
- RPM @ evolgen (April 22, 2008) Saving the Name of Drosophila melanogaster
- Larry Moran @ Sandwalk (April 22, 2008) Saving Drosophila
- soulbiscuit @ Allusions of Grandeur (April 22, 2008) S. melanogaster? WTF?!?
- Kenneth Chiacchia @ Did a Cat Shit in Here? (February 4, 2009) D. melanogaster, We Hardly Knew Ye
- kmbayles @ NCSU Insect Museum (Feb 12 2009) D. or S.? melanogaster
- Christopher Taylor @ Catalogue of Organisms (June 5, 2009) More on Drosophila and Sophophora
- Kim van der Linde @ Heathen Scientist (April 8, 2010) Drosophila politics: Sophophora melanogaster
- John Timmer @ Ars Technica (April 8, 2010) Demotion commotion: First Pluto, now fruit flies?
- Aaron Huertas (April 8, 2010) Scientists Go Renaming Things with Cultural Value Again
- Sylvie Coyaud @ Ocasapiens (April 8, 2010) Resistere!
- Salim @ Digitally Toned (April 8, 2010) Ah.. my dear Drosophila!!
- Determined Drosophila (April 8, 2010) Bad news for fake princesses & everybody’s favorite fruit fly
- Le blog d'Albert Barrois (April 8, 2010) Les Sophophoristes
- Sven Kullander @ Fish matters (April 9, 2010) Cleaning out the bugs: fruitfly name to be based on science not convention
- Michael Bok @ Arthropoda (April 9, 2010) Is 'the Drosophila' actually Drosophila?
- Christopher Taylor @ Catalogue of Organisms (April 9, 2010) In Which, Despite Not Being The Crowd Favourite, Drosophila funebris Holds D. melanogaster Down and Kicks It Repeatedly in the Teeth
- Richard Gayle @ A Man With A Ph.D. (April 9, 2010) Having a wake for Drosophila
- Kim van der Linde @ Heathen Scientist (April 9, 2010) Sophophora melanogaster: Next steps
- TubaOrNotTuba (April 10, 2010) A weighty name change in view
- John C @ Shy & Retiring 2.0 (April 10, 2010) Alas, The Old Order Changeth (Or In This Case The Genus)
- Susana Polo @ Geekosystem (April 10, 2010) D. melanogaster, D. melanogaster, Wherefore Art Thou, D. melanogaster?
- A Blog By Praveen Penugonda (April 10, 2010) The Fruit Fly Drosophila Gets a New Name
- Mike Garrity @ From Here to There (April 12, 2010) ICZN Case 3407
- Pepe Cervera @ Retiario (April 12, 2010) La mosca que podría cambiar de nombre
- Bart Braun @ BioBlog (April 13, 2010) Sophophora melanogaster?
- The Runt Compound (April 13, 2010) A Maggot By Any Other Name
- heath @ Coleopterists Corner (April 16, 2010) Drosophila melanogaster vs. Sophophora melanogaster
- TO BHMA (April 18, 2010) NANOΝΕWS: Κρίση ταυτότητας
- Bojan Dolenc @ AKVAzin (April 19, 2010) Sadna mušica spremenila rodovno ime
- Current Protocols Editors’ Forum (April 20, 2010) Drosophila melanogaster . . . for now: Renaming the fruit fly
- Fortuna Wolf @ Ars Technica (April 20, 2010) Sophophora melanogaster (or when taxonomic rules don't get along with politics)
- Melissa @ Science Storiented (April 21, 2010) What's in a name?
- Bouwe van Straten @ (April 22, 2010) Verse Wetenschap: Requiem voor een fruitvliegje
- David Winter @ The Atavism (April 25, 2010) Sunday Spinelessness - The end of Drosophila melanogaster?
- The Virtual Ranger @ The Ranger's Blog (May 9, 2010) Fly world set abuzz by proposal to rename Drosophila
- Robert Czepel @ (June 23, 2010) Drosophilas Tage sind gezählt
- TÝ (July 8, 2010) Octomilka, hrdinka genetiky, přijde o jméno
- Poster: Kim van der Linde & David Houle (2006)
"Sophophora melanogaster?" 47th Annual Drosophila Research Conference,
Houston, Texas, USA.
- Poster: Kim van der Linde, David Houle, Greg S. Spicer & Scott J. Steppan. (2008)
"A Paraphyletic Genus Drosophila" 49th Annual Drosophila Research Conference,
San Diego, California, USA.
- Presentation: Kim van der Linde (2008).
The fate of the genus Drosophila in modern systematics.
Symposium on Drosophila Evolution, San Diego, CA, USA.